Sunday, 10 June 2007

Wallace memorial

Wallace memorial, originally uploaded by British Traveller.

Ok, this is a pretty boring picture, but I had to show you something from Stirling. It's a fairly historic place, being the site of the battles of Stirling Bridge (1297 - the Braveheart one), and Bannockburn (1314 - when Scotland secured independence), and where James VI, the first king of both England and Scotland, was crowned. This is the national Wallace monument, where among other attractions you can hear an animated Wallace bawling about how you'll never take his freedom, etc.

1 comment:

  1. I really liked Stirling. A relative had their wedding reception at Stirling Castle some years back, a wander around the place before the actual wedding was amazing (Dunblane Cathedral). This truly is an epic journey you've taken to date
