Thursday, 21 June 2007

Beside the sea

Beside the sea, originally uploaded by British Traveller.

Harris in the Western Isles is supposed to be famous for its sandy beaches. I was sceptical until today. You can't really see here but the water is incredibly clear, an azure blue.


  1. You appear to have had the beach to yourself! Not a seagull to be seen. I hope it had a cafe providing refreshments.

  2. hi craig! it is GREAT to hear how you are! are you doing well? i think i would get a bit bored with all those experiences by myself, but perhaps the blogging would keep me focused.
    i am so proud of you for doing this! your blog is so creative, fun, and interesting!
    i have been praying for you recently...much peace and love to you! "You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you." Isaiah 26:3
    love k
