Saturday, 9 June 2007

The big city

The big city, originally uploaded by British Traveller.

See if you can guess which city this is. I thought this spanking new parliament looked beautiful. What about you?


  1. Edinburgh - did you go inside the building? (It's free.)

    Philip and Valerie

  2. no, they had all these sticks up in front of the doors (!)

  3. somone must have told them you were coming...

  4. Having stood outside the same building, I would say the Scottish Parliament building is interesting rather than beautiful. With all that space for a backdrop, why was it shoe horned next to a load of other buildings?

  5. Having stood outside the same building, I would say the Scottish Parliament building is interesting rather than beautiful. With all that space for a backdrop, why was it shoe horned next to a load of other buildings?

  6. "Interesting" always sounds like one of the most critical adjectives around! But yes the backdrop leaves something to be desired - I've tried to hide it a bit with the angle of my picture.
