Monday, 21 May 2007

Most northerly...

Most northerly..., originally uploaded by British Traveller.

Prepare yourself for a few 'most northerly' facts over the next two days. I have just travelled to Britain's most northerly inhabited island, Unst, and this is my a picture of where I'm staying. In fact, I seem to have the place entirely to myself! The conservatory is beautifully warm.


  1. Lucky you, that you have a hostel all to yourself, and a conservatory; or maybe there are hobbits and goblins on your island!

  2. Actually. I wasn't on my own in the end. An Irish girl called Cathy was staying there too, and on the second night some Germans in a camper van turned up. But it was very peaceful!

  3. It's a wonderul place to visit and the blue bells look great in your photo.

    cheers Karen (warden)
