Hi everyone. Thanks for all your comments. Johnson Crew - apparently they are plenty of dolphins around but I've haven't seen one :( I haven't seen seals or otters either. Still, check out my picture of puffins below.
Today I'm getting a ferry across from the Shetlands to the Orkney Islands (the next lot down). They're about 70 miles south of here, and are supposed to be a bit more lush. I'll get some pictures soon.
So what did I think of the Shetlands? Well, I feel like I've been here forever, even though it's just been five days. I already feel at home. They say that people are very welcoming here, and I can vouch that it is true. And there's plenty going on once you start to look. I spent the last two days on the remote island of Unst, and saw about 10% of what was on offer.
Shetland has lots of Shetlanders, but there are loads of people from elsewhere too. I've met people from France, Australia, Japan, Germany and Ireland, not to mention the Brits. I haven't travelled on my own before, but it's dead easy to meet people once you all pile into the hostel in the evening, and discover that everyone is doing exactly the same as you! On Unst, there were only two of us in the hostel, but we discovered that we are taking the same ferry to Orkney, so I'm sure we'll meet again.
Keep leaving your comments. I enjoy reading them, although I can only see them when I can get to a computer (I do my blogging from my phone - although it looks as though a couple of my blogs didn't make it). I've tried to reply to a few here.
Hey Craig, glad to catch up with you and see what you're up to now. What a fantastic journey you are taking. I'm quite envious. What scenery to gaze upon. Looking forward to seeing your pictures and your observations. Have a great time and stay safe. Nice to see a picture of you too.